Girl in a jacket

Guna survey

Question 1

What is your diet like?

Question 2

Do you consume any drugs, alcohol, or stimulants?

Question 3

Do you feel the urge to sleep?

Question 4

What’re your sensory impressions like?

Question 5

How active are you sexually?

Question 6

SHow is your control of sense?

Question 7

What is your speech like?

Question 8

What is your cleanliness level?

Question 9

What is your work like?

Question 10

How frequently do you get angry?

Question 11

How often do you fear something?

Question 12

How much do you desire?

Question 13

How much pride do you have?

Question 14

Do you face depression?

Question 15

What do you feel about love?

Question 16

Do you display violent behavior?

Question 17

Do you have an attachment to money?

Question 18

Are you content?

Question 19

Are you someone who

Question 20

What's your concentration like?

Question 21

What is your memory like?

Question 22

What’s your willpower like?

Question 23

How truthful are you?

Question 24

HHow honest are you?

Question 25

Do you feel peace of mind?

Question 26

How’s your creativity?

Question 27

Do you indulge in spiritual study?

Question 28

Do you indulge in mantras and prayers?

Question 29

Do you meditate?

Question 30

Do you perform acts of service?