Girl in a jacket

Dosha Survey(Mental)

Question 1

Memory:Which of the following best describes your memory

Question 2

Concentration: How easy is it for you to focus on something or someone for an extended period of time

Question 3

Changes to Plans:How would you react if there was a sudden change in your schedule

Question 4

Appeal to change:What is the main reason you may be convinced to change your mind about something?

Question 5

Story-telling:How do you tell stories about events or experiences in your life?

Question 6

Style of work:Which of the following best describes your style of work?

Question 7

Learning:Which of the following best describes how you learn a new concept?

Question 8

Dreams:How often do you dream?

Question 9

Reaction:What is your first reaction to something new or strange?

Question 10

Leadership:How do you tend to interact with a team or a group of people?

Question 11

Starting something new:How easily do you start something new?

Question 12

Planning: How do you usually like to make plans?